Peopoly Phenom L Initial Look This changes everything!

Peopoly Phenom L Initial Look This changes everything!

Peopoly Phenom L Initial Look – Full-Size Resin 3D Printed Helmets

What’S going on, you guys double Jessie here and we’re in the end in now this is the Peopoly Phenom L, it’s the newest, resin 3d printer by the folks over at P.

Ah, bleep, it might look like a phenom, but it’s got one massive difference and that’s its build volume. This is huge, an absolutely huge, resin, three-parent, that’s gonna be available here for pre-order and purchasing at the end of the month. Crazy excited about this, and yes, yes, in fact, you can print full size, helmet ingress it in one piece on this prayer and we’ll be taking a look at that here and just a little bit as well as a bunch of other things that I printed While I’ve had some hands-on time with this over the past few weeks, so let’s jump right in and I’ll give you guys my initial thoughts on this machine and we’ll take a look at some of those quick prints. So the first thing, you’re gonna notice, is probably the size of this machine and funny enough. The height of the Peopoly II phenom L is almost the exact same height as the Phenom.

I believe it’s just slightly taller than the standard Phenom. It is definitely wider and it’s a lot heavier and buys a lot heavier. I mean you’re gonna need two people for real two people to carry this. It arrives on a crate. I mean this thing is just it’s a beast: it’s a monster of a machine, and thankfully there’s another local maker here, 3d print guy.

That was able to stop by and help me move and lift this up on top of my desk prior to all of the whole social distancing thing going down here not too long ago and by the way congrats on early graduation by the way. But this thing is heavy and I mean really heavy it’s about a hundred and fifty pounds and again you’re gonna need an extra hand moving this. I’m not anticipating moving this off of this workbench here for a few months until everything’s sort of quiets down, and I can fully get it in the other room. But everything was packaged up and secured really nicely zero damage. With this being such a huge heavy machine and arriving on a crate, getting everything unboxed was pretty straightforward of everything was neatly nicely stored on the inside of the printer itself. One thing that I did have to do is put the printer on its back-end and take the bottom off so that I could get access to the power source and update the voltage on the machine. So it also sports the same door style as the Phenom. With this huge acrylic display, that’s gonna help prevent the UV light getting in, but also allows you to very easily get in there and see your prints as they’re printing on the inside of this you’re gonna see the massive VAT that we’ll take a look At in a second, as well as the angled build plate, yes, they’ve learned from the Phenom added in an angled build plate along with handles on the side of it and we’ll take a look at that here in just a second as well. Also on the front is a nice really nice touchscreen display interface, pretty much the exact same as the Phenom.

It’S super straightforward and easy to use. The interface is again really responsive and it’s just very straightforward. If you’re, looking at the front of the printer on the right side of the machine, you’ll see a USB port where you’re gonna be loading, the files that you’ve sliced that you want to print you’ll also see your Ethernet port, where, hopefully, in the future, we’ll Have Internet connectivity or network connectivity for this machine to be able to directly send files from your printer to the machine and also towards the back right side of the machine? You’Re gonna? Have your power switch as well as the port, where you’re gonna plug in your power? There are also some massive fans on this machine so when the printer is actually up and running and printing not right now I don’t have prints running so the fans are running, which is nice, but when the prints are going you it’s loud it’s I would say Equally as loud as the Phenom, so just keep that in mind. This is, there are some crazy fans in here to keep things cool as it’s printing, for this massive massive LED LCDs being on that display, it’s an M SLA 12.5 4k display and it has a build volume of three forty five-point: six by one. Ninety-four point: four by four hundred millimeters or translates roughly into about thirteen point six by seven-point: six by fifteen point: seven inches: it’s a really really big build volume for a resin 3d printer.

It still blows my mind that we’re able to have a machine. This big printing and resin, so the one thing I haven’t talked about yet is the price point and that’s three thousand dollars yeah. I know I said three thousand dollars. It’S probably a lot more than a lot of you are willing to spend on a resin 3d printer, but it’s the largest one. That’S out there, that’s not ten grand or more. As far as I’m aware of during my very basic google searching that I did there and by no means what I recommend this, as probably your very first resin, three friends or just jumping into 3d printing start with a no groomer’s or in any cubic Photon dip. Your feet in it dip your toes in it and then sort of work. Your way up to something like this. This is really for folks that are doing professional jobs or mass printing, for let’s said, Etsy or miniatures.

You could print a lot of miniatures on this thing at one time or maybe you’re into cosplay and you’re, really looking to up your cosplay game and spend a whole lot less time: 3d, printing, and sanding, because you’re gonna be able to cut down on a lot of those with this machine alright, so I also want to talk to you about this, build plate here and show this off again. It’S a massive build plate. It’S an angled build plate, so the resin no longer pulls along the top and it just pours right off as you’re printing with it. It also has two really nice size handles on both sides, which makes it a lot easier to get this on and off get your prints out there, and I did also want to just give you a quick comparison to some of the other build plates that are Out there, so here is any cubic photon I mean just it’s comical, here’s thee packs x10, which is if I go like vertical to horizontal here. It’S just hangs over slightly, but I could probably get about two and a half of these x10 billed plates in here. Here’S the Peopoly Phenom L, the Phenom, so here’s their standard, Phenom, the L here you can just get a quick visual comparison of the actual size differences there and also I just want to show you quickly – the transform the Phenom L just to show you.

I mean the transform previously was the largest resin printer that I had. It beat out the standard Phenom by a bit, the phenom L. Just it’s big, it’s a big jump between the two build volume. I also want to talk with you about this big, beautiful heavy-duty batch here. This can easily store two of these big bottles of resin I mean easily and depending on some of the prints that you’re gonna be running, you might end up having to refill this. As well and again for a quick comparison here is the standard Phenom and here’s the Phenom L that you can see side-by-side just how much bigger the vats are, and if you’re thinking about upgrading from the photon and a qubit photon to this yeah. It’S another thing. I wanted to mention is that when you slide the VAT into the printer, it’s gonna basically stop it where it needs to be, and then you can just screw it down. You don’t have to worry about fully removing the screws and taking those out in order to get the bat out, something that I really like also helps prevent me from dropping those screws into the bath and then potentially poking holes in the fact sheets here. Alright. So let’s talk about some of these prints already enough about the machine. You all know, it’s a big machine and prints. Really big has a huge, build volume. Let’S talk about some of the things that have printed on it. The very first thing I printed was this a test file. I, unfortunately, I don’t have that still. I think I might have tossed it by accident, but I really had like from the get-go zero issues, getting my prints up and running with this machine. So it worked really great for me on this, so one of the next things I wanted to Ralph’s imprint was just I wanted to maximize that print volume there, or at least the build plate and get as many things on that bill plate as I could, and I went and printed a bunch of masks from villainous prompts. These are a whole bunch of different. I think they’re called domino mask they’re eye masks that you can print and cosplay where all of them printed pretty good. I think I had one that had some issues with the supports not adhering this was prior to me really further refining my support settings for this particular machine. I still haven’t gone through and updated my support settings based on three printing Pro and some of the stuff that I’ve learned from that just yet, but here’s an example: you’ll see where the supports failed in certain areas and it lifted in one of the corners for The mask other masks printed, just great like here is: I think this is a Red Hood mask. I mean god these things just turn out so nice, so nice, I think in the past. I printed one of these in a resident before and I was able to print one and it was this one. Not this is everyone with the same file on one of the resin printers, maybe like the Peopoly Phenom L, groomer’s, or something like that, so being able to print five at one time, just it’s really wild, so it took about 15 to 16 hours to print all these masks.

Peopoly Phenom L 3D Printed Helmets Black Panther

At once at the point, zero, five-layer height, which is super fine, compared to anything that I was able to previously print on my FDM printers and the other knock-on benefit I’m seeing of this is the time reduction. I mean you forget about how smooth these are right off the print bed and it’s gonna cut down on the post-processing, but just being able to print things a lot faster than I was over on my FDM printers or over on multiple resin 3d printers is Such a cool thing, so after printing those masks, I was really excited about the thought of printing a full-size helmet on this machine. So I went off and printed a Black Panther helmet all in one piece, so those files from Nikko industries and it’s actually a two-part helmet, there’s the main helmet and then there’s the backside that you can magnetically attach here. That’S gonna snap on to the back of the helmet, and this thing looks unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. I have done literally zero sandings and I’m only applied one really light coat of automotive primer to this particular helmet.

Just so, it would show up a little bit better for you guys here in the video and again, the results are just stunning. There’S still some things that I’m gonna have to really fine finally sand here. But this would have been weeks, and I mean weeks of me, sanding and filling and priming over on FDM print. It’S just the results on this are incredible. I did end up getting one slight layer shift in this during the print and again, I think this has to do with the print itself is pretty heavy. I hollowed it out where I could, but it’s still the amount of resin to actually make this. It’S gotta be at least a pound here in terms of weight, so the supports that I had to run on this were pretty heavy-duty and I think it held in there pretty nicely. However, I probably could have done just a slightly better job to help prevent that one layer shift that I’m seeing right in the front. But again, the corrective process on this is gonna, be next to nothing in terms of sanding and slightly filling versus what I would have had to do over on an FTM print. The other amazing thing is that this main body portion of the helmet only took 30 hours to find there is no way absolutely no way. This would have printed in anything under than probably three days or more on one of my like a CR 10, or something like that. So obviously I mean there’s gonna be a big price difference here between the cost of resin and the machine versus filament and you’re you know the cost of a CR 10, but the results here are just absolutely mind-blowing and technically this is a print failure. In my book, because I scaled it slightly wrong, I was probably off by just a little bit there my percentage-wise for scaling. When I put this on my three scans of my head yeah, I cannot fully get this on my I can’t get it over. My chin here, I’m gonna, have to remove the bottom portion here so that I can get my Chinn on and then be able to magnetically attach the bottom of the chin piece yeah. I still had a little bit of wiggle room on the printer as well, which is what it’s killing me. I was just trying to scale this. It would be really nicely snugly fit on my head. I didn’t want a really loose version of this. How many sorts of like that Hasbro helmet that I have already the next thing I went off and printed? Is this sub-zero mass from Wexler? He actually took this from one of his miniature files and scaled it up and I think probably reworked it a bit. So it would be an actual cosplay piece that you could run off and where this was actually printed in Sierre Tech’s, new, smoky black resin and loving the actual look of this. It also gets retweeted by Ed Boon from Mortal Kombat. That’S pretty freak in wild apposite very excited about that, but yeah again the results on this were really nice zero issues with this. Obviously it was a much smaller print, but it only took 15 hours to print on this. I also have a full build plate full of miniatures that I ran off and printed, and I mean I really maximized the full build plate and printed a bunch of miniatures here. It’S actually one miniature file in multiple pieces, I’ll actually be doing a full rundown of this particular print. I’m really excited about this one, and it truly is a monster print thing I wanted to call out with that. Specifically is again if you’re in the business of making and printing miniatures.

That might be another use case for you because you can print a lot, and I mean a ton of miniatures on this machine all at one time, especially the case that the miniatures typically aren’t that large. This was probably a little bit bigger than the average miniature print that you’re gonna run off and do so. You’re gonna have really fast print times for a huge volume of prints, and the last thing I wanted to show you is this amazing Nova helmet from the broken nerd. Then I ran off and printed on the El. This really and truly blows my mind. This is exactly it, this is it, Peopoly Phenom L.

This is the game-changer right here. This is an all-in-one, fully resin printed helmet on this machine. I honestly didn’t think I’d see the day that this would actually happen, and I can put it on and it fits my head. Darryl. Okay, the broken nerd did such an amazing job modeling. This file, by the way, it’s available over on his Patreon I’ll, have links down below to all the files that I printed here. So, if you’re interested in picking up one of those and printing one for yourself you’ll be able to find those, it’s just again, a stunning file in a really amazing print. Again, it’s one of these that I’ve done zero post-processing on. I only put down a layer of automotive primer on this, just so that you could see it a little bit better. I also printed this in that smoky black and it’s slightly transparent. I loved the look of it, but it just was really hard for me to show that on the video. So I wanted to put down some primer, so you really could see the full effects or the full details of this actual print. So still here it’s not a hundred percent perfect, but it’s like 97 98 percent, perfect, there’s only gonna be a few small areas that I need to sand down and it’s pretty much ready for painting or in some cases maybe you’re interested in casting and making Molds, your one huge step closer to that with a machine like this. The other thing I forgot to mention is that this only took 36 hours to print crazy. This would be like a 5 day 6 day print on my CR 10.

So I think I’ve hyped up this machine enough for you guys. So let me tell you about a few of the drawbacks that you need to consider this. One is obviously the price point it’s nowhere near as inexpensive as a CR 10 or something along those lines if a similar printer with a similar build volume but you’re paying for the technology here so obviously being able to print faster or print larger and obviously, at A higher resolution than you can get pretty much with anything on an FTM printer. The other thing is that this thing chews through the resin, like nothing else and resin, isn’t exactly the cheapest thing in the world. You can certainly get deals on it from time to time or buy it in bulk, which tends to be what I do is, or what you’re gonna be spending a lot on the resin. When printing with something like this, this Nova helmet, it was easily two-and-a-half to three of these monster bottles of resin here and so you’re gonna just pour through the resin. So it’s easily about a hundred dollars or so for you to be able to print something.

This big and you’re gonna have to factor in occasionally your prints are gonna fail or you’re gonna have issues. Your print failures are gonna, be pretty expensive when you’re working with something this large. If something does happen, another thing to call out is that, when you’re working with that VAT and if you do have a failure or just looking to change out the resin, it’s just so large that you’re gonna have to end up setting it down having multiple Bottles up so that you can transfer resin from one and then pour it into the next. It’S just I’m not saying that Peopoly II did anything bad or could have improved on this in any way. I think it’s just it’s a different process. It’S something that you’re gonna have to get used to when working with a machine of this size. Again, the fans are loud, but I’m honestly used to that from my Phenom. So it’s not really a big deal to me anymore. At this point and I’ve gotten very much used to it so when it’s up and running and actually printing those fans are engaged and pretty loud, but again it doesn’t really bother me at all, and another thing is that these are not mono screens on this Machine here they do have the people you are, which is another iteration.

I think 3d printing never had access to, and probably already did, a video or two on that, but that as allows you to print even faster, it’s not gonna have the same build volume as this, but it’s gonna allow you to print faster and that Screen is gonna last a whole lot longer than the standard screens here, but there is again a price compromise that you’re gonna have to run into with that and if you’re thinking about getting one of these. Just for printing replica props and helmets keep in mind that the build volume isn’t quite as large as what you’re gonna see on a CR 10.

So it’s so narrow helmets, like the Black Panther or the Nova helmet that I’m showing you here are gonna print great on this. But if you’re wanting to print something like a Wolverine cowl that has huge ears on it, you’re gonna end up having to slice that file somewhere to fit it on this build plate and then doing a bit more work after it’s done. Printing just hit the multiple parts back together so have links down below to the Peopoly Phenom L 2, both matter hacker, and P appellees website.

So, if you’re interested in picking up either of them, this might be affiliate links which help out the channel here. So, thank you very much for that. I also want to say a huge thank you to all my Patreon supporters. I couldn’t do this without your help and if you’re interested in finding out how you can help support this channel, you can find out links down below. So, just as a quick recap, I would say if you are in the market for upping your resin printing game or your let’s say, working for a video game company or collectibles or you’re a designer or you are in the market for selling miniatures or creating Replica props and creating molds and casts of those and you’re sick and tired of spending. All of your time, printing, with prints and FDM and finishing, you might want to consider something like this. It’S certainly an investment, but I think the end results are going to be well worth it for you, and this is not a full review of this machine. I do intend on printing a lot more with this over the upcoming weeks, probably a month or more and we’ll be doing a full review. Video of the printer after I’ve gotten a whole bunch more hands-on time with the machine. So I just want to say thank you. So much again for watching, if you’re interested in again about any of the prints or the machine I’ll, have links to those down below. And let me know down in the comments if there’s something that you’re interested in me. Printing on this and showing in an upcoming video, would love to know some more creative ideas from you.

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